2021/12/24IRNotice Regarding the Results of the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors of the CompanyREAD MORE
2021/11/16PRESS RELEASECorrection and Apology for the Announcement about UT Group’s Number of Technical EmployeesREAD MORE
2021/11/15PRESS RELEASEUT Group’s Number of Technical Employees Surpassed 30,000READ MORE
2021/11/10IRFinancial Results Briefing Videos for FY3/2022 Second QuarterFinancial Results Briefing Videos for FY3/2022 Second QuarterREAD MORE
2021/11/05PRESS RELEASENotice of Revision of Consolidated Results ForecastREAD MORE
2021/11/05IRSummary of Consolidated Financial Statements FY3/2022 Second Quarter [PDF:528KB]Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements FY3/2022 Second Quarter [PDF:528KB]READ MORE
2021/11/05IRFAQs FY3/2022 Second Quarter [PDF:224KB]FAQs FY3/2022 Second Quarter [PDF:224KB]READ MORE
2021/11/05IRFinancial Results FY3/2022 Second Quarter [PDF:2,339KB]Financial Results FY3/2022 Second Quarter [PDF:2,339KB]READ MORE
2021/09/27PRESS RELEASENotice Regarding Selection for “Prime Market” in Tokyo Stock Exchange New Market SegmentsREAD MORE
2021/09/27PRESS RELEASENotice Regarding Reorganization of the Group Companies and Corporate Name Change of a Consolidated SubsidiaryREAD MORE