
UT Group Receives “Eruboshi” Certification of Two Stars based on Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace

UT Group Co., Ltd., a company engaged in the dispatch of workers in the manufacturing field, has been awarded the “Eruboshi” certification of two stars by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company promoting women’s participation and advancement in the workplace.


*The “Eruboshi” two-star certification mark includes a caption “Working women are empowered!”

■ What is “Eruboshi” certification
Among companies that have formulated and submitted action plans based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace, companies with excellent initiatives related to the advancement of women are eligible to receive certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare upon application. From the perspective of creating a workplace environment where women can easily demonstrate their abilities, companies are evaluated according to five criteria: hiring, continued employment, workstyles such as working hours, proportion of women in managerial positions, and diversified career courses. It is required for companies to disclose results in the form of a “database of companies promoting women’s participation and career advancement every year. UT Group met four of the five evaluation criteria and received a score of two stars.

Click here to go to the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japanese version).

■ UT Group’s initiatives and achievements
UT Group has continuously promoted initiatives aimed at creating an environment for women to play an active role in the workplace.

Conducted surveys and lectures for directors and executive officers, as well as discussion by female leaders and the Human Resource Planning Division.

Launched the Diversity Promotion Project.
Disseminated information on female employee role models and held internal community events for female employees.

Held social gatherings and panel discussions for female employees, roundtable discussions between outside directors and female managers, and seminars on the theme of returning to work after fertility treatment or a period of childcare, and the theme of balancing work with nursing care.


With regard to “continued employment,” a criterion for which we did not achieve the standard, we will continue to provide information on cases where employees balance work and private life, and to hold internal events related to career advancement, in order to further raise the years of service by female employees.

■ Future development
UT Group’s Mission, “Create vigorous workplaces empowering workers”, depicts our intent to create an environment and provide opportunities for diverse human resources to play an active role in the workplace. We have been focusing more on promoting women’s empowerment in our diversity promotion activities than in the past as we have recognized this as one of the key issues to achieve our goal. In order to show the results of our efforts to date in a measured form, we decided to aim to obtain Eruboshi certification.
Starting with initiatives to promote women’s empowerment, we will build an environment in which diverse human resources, including older workers and non-Japanese workers, can fully demonstrate their respective strengths, leading to the creation of an organization that is truly diverse.

[About UT Group]
Since its founding in 1995, UT Group has consistently grown by focusing on the growth of its employees and the provision of reassurance in their lives.
UT Group dispatches workers to the manufacturing industry as its main business and provides services in a variety of fields, beyond the boundaries of regional areas, industries, job types, and working hours. In keeping with the Mission, “Create vigorous workplaces empowering workers,” UT Group is committed to creating “a future workstyle platform,” which will become a new component of social infrastructure, with the aim of realizing a sustainable society in which both workers and companies can grow.

[Company Outline]
Company name: UT Group Co., Ltd. (listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Website: https://www.ut-g.co.jp/
Location: Denpa Bldg. 6F, 1-11-15 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022
Representatives: Yoichi Wakayama, Chairman and Representative Director
Manabu Sotomura, President and Representative Director
Founded: April 2, 2007
Capital: 1,380 million yen (September 30, 2024)
Business: Dispatch and outsourcing of permanent employees in manufacturing, design and development, construction, and other sectors
Number of employees: 62,009 on a consolidated basis (September 30, 2024)

[For inquiries]
UT Group Co., Ltd.
Public Relations Section, Management Support Unit, General Affairs Division
Tel: +81-3-5447-1710 E-mail: prer@ut-g.co.jp

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