- APR.
- Aim CIC Company, engaged in the subcontracting of factory work, was formed. “Employment of full-time employees” and “100% participation in social insurance” were policies adopted from the start.
- JUL.
- Aim CIC Company was reorganized to Nihon Aim Co.
- A unique business model of a start-to-finish outsourced production service was introduced.
- The “Group of Aims” was established and set the company’s all-encompassing raison d’etre as something beyond profit making.
- An employee shareholding plan for all associates, including dispatched workers, was established.
- DEC.
- Nihon Aim became the first company in the manufacturing outsourcing industry to be listed in the JASDAQ market.
- APR.
- Nihon Aim made Artista Co., Ltd. a subsidiary (to enter into the design & development engineer dispatch business).
- APR.
- Nihon Aim and Apex Inc. jointly transferred shares to establish United Technology Holdings Co. (currently UT Group Co.) as a pure shareholding company and a parent company of wholly owned subsidiaries. It was listed in the JASDAQ market. (Nihon Aim was delisted.)
- JAN.
- United Technology Holdings was renamed UT Holdings Co.
- NOV.
- Sold all shares of Apex to Hachitoku Co.
- JAN.
- Comm Leading Co. was established (to enhance design & development engineer dispatch business).
- MAR.
- Comm Agent Co. was established (to enter into the distribution/retail dispatch business).
- DEC.
- Artista and Comm Leading were merged with Comm Leading being the surviving company.
- The UT Entry System that provides equal opportunities for career advance to all associates was introduced.
- APR.
- Comm Agent was renamed UT icom Co. (to enter into the manufacturing dispatch and outsourcing service business).
UT Career Co. was established (to enter into the outplacement business).
UT Construction Network Co. was established (to enter into the construction engineer dispatch business).
- JUN.
- UT icom spun off its distribution/retail dispatch business and UT Agent Co. was established.
- JUL.
- To enhance UT Group’s brand power, some subsidiaries were renamed to make corporate names of all subsidiaries start with UT. Accordingly Nihon Aim was renamed to UT Aim, and Comm Leading to UT Leading.
- OCT.
- UT Life Support Co. was established (to expand the employee benefits services).
- JUL.
- Acquired 81% of shares of Panasonic Battery Engineering Co., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary (renamed UT Pabec Co.)
- The inter-group transfer program was established to expand career advance opportunities.
- APR.
- UT icom and UT Revive, both active in manufacturing dispatch and outsourcing, were integrated to UT Aim.
- MAR.
- Acquired shares of System Revolution Co., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary.
- JUL.
- UT Holdings was renamed to UT Group Co.
- One UT and Next UT, unique programs to help associates grow, were launched.
- OCT.
- UT Leading was renamed to UT Technology, UT Construction Network to UT Construction, and System Revolution to UT System.
- The third medium-term business plan, “Create jobs nationwide in Japan,” was announced.
- Acquired shares of Atex Co., Ltd. and made it a subsidiary (integrated to UT Technology in April 2017).
- JUN.
- UT Global Co. was established.
- DEC.
- UTHP Co. was established.
Forward Co., Ltd. became a subsidiary (and was integrated to UT System in April 2017).
- MAR.
- Acquired shares of Tight Work, K.K. and made it a consolidated subsidiary.
- APR.
- Lei Hau’oli Co., Ltd. became a subsidiary.
- APR.
- UT Technology and UT System were merged.
Tight Work was renamed UT Community Co.
Acquired 51% of shares of Fujitsu Aprico Limited and made it a consolidated subsidiary (renamed Fujitsu UT Co.)
- NOV.
- Moved its market listing from the JASDAQ to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- UT Vision 2030 “Facilitating the health birth of the next workstyle platform” was announced.
- JAN.
- Sold all shares of Lei Hau’oli.
- MAR.
- Acquired all shares of Support System Co. and made it a consolidated subsidiary.
- APR.
- Acquired all shares of TBLS Service Business Corporation and made it a consolidated subsidiary (renamed UT Business Service Co.)
Acquired all shares of Toshiba Information System Products Incorporated and made it a consolidated subsidiary (renamed UT System Products Co.)
Acquired 80% of shares of Toshiba Office Mate Co. and made it a consolidated subsidiary (renamed UT Toshiba Co.)
UT Aim absorbed and merged UT Global.
- UT Aim absorbed and merged the design/development engineer dispatch business of UT Technology.
- JUL.
- Acquired all shares of Mito Engineering Co. and made it a consolidated subsidiary.
- OCT.
- Acquired 51% of shares of Green Speed Joint Stock Company (Vietnam), which fully owns Green Speed Co. and Hoang Nhan Company, and made all three companies consolidated subsidiaries.
Completed liquidation of UT Agent Co., a consolidated subsidiary.
- NOV.
- Acquired all shares of Seekel Holdings, which fully owns Seekel Co., and made both companies consolidated subsidiaries.
- JAN.
- UT Toshiba absorbed and merged UT Business Service Co.
- FEB.
- Acquired 18.8% of shares of SURI-EMU Corp., which fully owns SURI-EMU Chubu Co., SURI-EMU Tokai Co., and SURI-EMU Staff Co. and made all four companies equity-method affiliates.
- APR.
- Acquired 20% of shares of J-CEP Co., which fully owns AJ Holdings Inc. (a parent company of Aki-Japan Corp.) and Act-Japan Co., Ltd. and made all four companies equity-method affiliates.
- Acquired all shares of Progress Group Co., which fully owns Progress Co., and made both companies consolidated subsidiaries.
Acquired additional shares of SURI-EMU Corp., which fully owns SURI-EMU Chubu Co., SURI-EMU Tokai Co., and SURI-EMU Staff Co., and made all four companies consolidated subsidiaries.
- JUL.
- Mito Engineering Service was renamed UT MESC Co.
- OCT.
- Acquired 51% of the shares of Fujitsu FSAS Creative Inc. and made it a consolidated subsidiary.
Its company name was changed to UT FSAS Creative Co.
- JAN.
- Progress Co., was merged with Progress Group Co., and changed its name to UT Progress Co., Ltd.
SURI-EMU Staff Co., absorbed SURI-EMU Co., SURI-EMU Chubu Co., and SURI-EMU Tokai Co.
SURI-EMU Staff was renamed UT SURI-EMU Co.
J-CEP Co., acquired all shares of JAG Field Co. and made it an equity-method affiliate.
- MAR.
- Sold all shares of UT System Products Co.
- APR.
- UT Community Co., absorbed the area strategy business of UT Aim Co.
UT Community Co., as a surviving company was merged with UTHP Co., Support System Co., and UT Progress Co., and then was renamed UT Connect Co.
UT Aim Co., was merged with UT Pabec Co.
Due to the revision of the market classification of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company was assigned to the Prime Market from the First Section.
- JUN.
- Transitioned from a Company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee.